Meet the dynamic duo behind the scissors – Tamara and Marvin! We’re your go-to guides in the world of hairstyles and haircuts, bringing you the latest trends, tips, and tricks to keep your locks looking fabulous.

Together, we form a partnership committed to making your hair journey enjoyable, educational, and, most importantly, uniquely yours. Whether you’re seeking a fresh cut, a bold color change, or simply want to stay in the know about the hottest trends, we’ve got you covered.

Tamara neu 1
Tamara | Social Media Management
Marvin neu 1
Marvin | Articles, SEO
Marvin und Tamara 1

Tamara is the creative force. With an impressive 15 years of experience as a professional hairstylist, Tamara brings a wealth of expertise to our community. Beyond the salon, she takes the lead in shaping our social media presence, ensuring you stay connected with the latest trends, tips, and behind-the-scenes insights.

Marvin takes care of the SEO tasks, researching and writing the articles.
The articles incorporate both Marvin’s research and Tamara’s personal expertise.

Why did we start this blog?

Our blog was born out of a spontaneous idea in November 2023. So we simply started posting on Pinterest and writing articles. We both enjoy it very much and we want to share our journey with people. In doing so, we deepen our own knowledge through the research work, and at the same time we can help people to solve their hair problems or perhaps set an incentive for their next hairstyle. Your hair deserves the best, and with Tamara and Marvin you’re in for a stylish adventure!

At our Blog we’re not just here to showcase the latest trends – we’re here to help you achieve them! We are dedicated to providing valuable tips, step-by-step guides, and personalized advice to empower you to create and maintain the perfect hairstyle.

Life is too short to have boring hair.

Join us on this exciting hair adventure – because your tresses deserve the best, and so do you!

Hair’s to endless style,

Tamara & Marvin