About Us

Headluv.com is a self-reliant platform committed to spotlighting the latest trends in hairstyles and haircuts and providing expert tips from the hair industry.

Our Approach

This editorial guideline delineates the principles that govern our operations. If you perceive any deviation from these standards in our work, please reach out to us at contact@headluv.com or via our contact form.

Our Reporting

  • We present stories with a commitment to accuracy, devoid of artificial intelligence intervention.
  • When disseminating non-public information or potentially portraying individuals or organizations negatively, we actively seek their input.
  • Post-publication, we promptly update existing articles or publish new ones as required. Regular audits, conducted at least every three months, ensure ongoing relevance, timeliness, and value. Independent experts review our content to maintain the highest quality standards.

Fact-Checking and Corrections

  • Upon notification of potential factual inaccuracies, we diligently verify and issue corrections as needed.

Right to Reply

  • A right to reply is extended to anyone featured in a story. Contact us if you feel misrepresented or wish to contribute additional insights.

Source Verification

  • Information received from sources, be they named or anonymous, is not published without diligent attempts at corroboration through additional sources. The confidentiality of anonymous sources is safeguarded, and no monetary compensation is offered for information.

Attribution and Professionalism

  • We engage with hair stylists, independent experts, publishers, and related entities professionally, maintaining ethical conduct.
  • In cases of severed communication (commonly termed ‘blacklisting’), our commitment to unbiased reporting remains unwavering.

Public Disclosures

  • Instances involving individual stylists and experts are not publicly discussed unless there is a compelling editorial reason, such as safeguarding publication integrity or preventing delays in critical information release.

Advertising and Commercial Activities

  • The editorial and advertising departments at Headluv operate independently. Editorial content is solely at the discretion of editors, free from commercial influence.
  • Adherence to fairness, honesty, and transparency guides our advertising team’s interactions with advertisers.
  • Automatic audio and offensive content are excluded from our advertising criteria. Inappropriate ads are promptly removed. Contact us if you believe ads do not align with these standards.
  • Retailer links (e.g., Amazon) may be included, with commissions received. Editorial decisions remain uninfluenced, and neutral language is employed.

Ownership and Affiliation

  • Headluv is owned by Blum and Steffes NicheLink GbR, overseeing multiple brands and websites. Headluv’s editorial department operates independently, with disclosure in coverage related to NicheLink activities. All NicheLink staff and collaborators adhere to this editorial policy collectively.